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Agriculture and farming

Digitalization of agriculture

In the later years, agriculture has become more and more digitalized, and more digital transformation still lies ahead. Digitalization will among other help farmers; become more sustainable, improve working conditions, and heighten competitiveness. However, one of the main obstacles of agricultural digital transformation is internet connectivity. Many agricultural sites are located in remote areas, where the network infrastructure is not ideal. So how can MiWire help support this issue?

MiWire supports several different agricultural sites – small to large. Many of our customers came to us complaining of poor internet connectivity and with no possibility of installing fiber-optic. They had tried several solutions from copper to manual directional antennas to high-gain routers, but nothing was good enough to support the intense digital needs of a farm. With a MiWire solution, internet connectivity is no longer an issue.

Farm owners with animal production tries MiWire Pro

Farm owners and calf breeders in the outer area of Jutland, Denmark, had lots of issues with internet connectivity. They had a 7-8 Mbit/s by old cobber cables that did not support administrative tasks, weighbridge-programs, alarm systems or monitoring feeding plants. On a daily basis, they were managing a 500-hectare agricultural production, and had been promised fiber-optic since the 00’s. As nothing ever happened, they decided to try out MiWire Pro.

“There are public demands about us being available, and slow speed was really hindering my work, as I have to upload a lot of information on our production every other week, which could take up to 18 hours. With MiWire we got 30 mb, and when a new mast was deployed in December last year, we got 70-80 mb. You have created a really good system, and I’ve really enjoyed the level of service – you are quick, helpfuland you have guided us to the right solution.”

We are so honored and proud of such a greatreview, and to have helped with all internet connectivity troubles.

We make sure you stay

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SeaWire & GlobalWire
MiWire/SeaWire & GlobalWire

Contact us for more information.


Diplomvej 381
2800 Kongens Lyngby
+ 45 82 820 820
MiWire Group ApS, DK44555395



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